About Us

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REM Revel Environmental Manufacturing Inc.

Originated out of the large interceptor industry in both the designing and manufacturing of clarifiers, grease, sand/oil, and storm water interceptors. We have consistently pursued better technology in both storm water filtration and comprehensive maintenance programs for the many different systems available on the market today.

We developed the Triton Filter system as an economical solution for the removal of hydrocarbons and other contaminants from storm water runoff. Contaminants including sand, silt, litter, paint, petroleum products, liquids/semi-liquid food substances, body fluids and other chemicals.

why choose us Best Available Technology

Our filters comply with the Federal EPA criteria of using the Best Available Technology(BAT) and offer a cost effective alternative to other expensive oil-water separators.

environmentally safe
The filter design uses an aggressive yet environmentally safe absorbent material know as XSORB® Select. XSORB® Select is licensed as an oil cleanup agent by the California EPA, State Water Resources Control Board and approved by the Department of Fish and Game to cleanup California’s sensitive rivers and waterways.
maintenance & inspection
In addition to servicing catch basin filter inserts, we offer a complete maintenance/inspection program designed around both large and small interceptors, i.e. clarifiers, sand/oil, etc. REM also offers consulting in the area’s of both large and small interceptors, to help determine which system would best fit your specific application.
Customizable with numerous applications
We can customize our filters for your specific needs at each site and have many applications for shopping centers, office buildings, industrial parks and community developments, both during the course of construction and the ongoing operating concern. Other applications include gas stations, truck stops, maintenance shops, highways, urban streets and other pollution-prone areas.

Our Advantages

what sets REM apart
Storm Drain Filters: Easy onsite maintenance icon-1
Easy on-site maintenance
The design of our filters allows easy on-site maintenance, which helps keep ongoing costs low.
Storm Drain Filters: Proper Disposal icon-2
The filter medium is disposed of in accordance with Federal, State and local laws for petroleum waste.
Storm Drain Filters: We Recycle icon-3
REM Inc. engages in an EPA-approved recycling program, reducing environmental impact.
Storm Drain Filters: Extended Warranty icon-4
We stand behind our products by extending a 5-year Warranty on our filters when serviced by REM Inc, or an approved vendor.