
Curb Inlet Trash Capture Device

REM TRITON Full Trash Capture Device Filter (FTC) – The REM TRITON Curb Inlet PERF-FTC Filter is an effective and economical solution for Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) permitees to achieve no visual impact from trash. REM Triton Filters are an approved standalone Full Trash Capture (FTC) device. Easily installed immediately below the curb cut opening inside catch basin structures. REM’s TRITON Curb Inlet – FTC Filter utilizes a perforated stainless-steel screening system that effectively removes trash and debris 5mm in size or larger from stormwater runoff. Available for horizontal curb cut openings from 2’ to 40’ in length. Media strategy may also be custom configured for specific pollutants of concern. Appropriate for municipal, retail and commercial applications, the filter is available for all common size and shape catch basins.

Curb Inlet Filter IMG_2179 - Good Pics - Curb Inlet Filters (10)
Description How does our technology work?
The TRITON Curb Inlet Filter (TRC)-PERF-FTC Full Trash Capture device is an effective and economical solution to help property owners, corporations and municipalities meet Full Trash Capture requirements and regulations. REM designed the TRITON -TRC-PERF-FTC Curb Inlet Filter Series to provide a highly adaptable solution that allows the flexibility to maximize the filter treatment flow rates and pollutant capturing capacity. TRITON - TRC Filters may be utilized in new construction or retrofitted in existing catch basin structures. They are sized to spec and scalable for all different lengths of curb inlet catch basins.

The REM TRITON Curb Inlet Filter – PERF-FTC gravity fed vertical and linear cartridge system treats flow laterally through a Type 304 Stainless Steel Perforation (PERF). Perforated Stainless Steel is configured with a 4.8 mm opening, and a 51% Open Area as per the California State Water Resources Control Board specification. Filter bodies are fabricated using 100% recycled High Impact Polystyrene Plastic (HIPS) with UV Inhibitors and rubber additives.

REM’s PERF-FTC Filters offer flexibility to address future changes in MRP requirements and/or to handle effluent concerns specific to any catch basin locale. TRITON’s PERF-FTC Trash Capture filters are not only able to capture fine trash and debris, but also other pollutants if needed. REM’s Curb Inlet filter can also be teamed with a secondary media cartridge that contain different options depending upon the pollutant of concern. For example, combining media strategies may help with removal of liquefied hydrocarbons from vehicles and animal fats from restaurants. Other options include mixed blends of granular activated carbon (AC), Zeolite [ZEO] and BioChar (BCHR).

Curb Inlet Trash Capture Device

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