Top Hat Trash Capture Device
REM TRITON Full Trash Capture Device Filter (FTC) – The REM TRITON-PERF-FTC Filter is an effective and economical solution for Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) permitees to achieve no visual impact from trash. REM Triton Filters are an approved standalone Full Trash Capture (FTC) device. Easily installed immediately below the grate in storm drains and in catch basin inlet structures the REM TRITON filter utilizes a patented media cartridge system that effectively removes trash and debris from stormwater. Appropriate for municipal, retail and commercial applications, the filter is available for all common size and shape catch basins. Media strategy may be custom configured for specific pollutant concerns.

Top Hat Trash Capture Device
Technical InfoThe California State Water Resources Control Board and the Mosquito & Vector Control Association of California (MVCAC) have approved REM TRITON PERF-FTC Filters as a standalone Full Trash Capture (FTC) device.

REM TRITON PERF-FTC devices are easily installed inside virtually any size and type of catch basin structure. They fit below the grate in drop inlet and combination grate & curb inlets as well as curb inlet catch basins.
REM TRITON PERF-FTC devices utilize a patented stainless steel vertical media cartridge system. The perforated screen (PERF) removes trash debris no greater than 5mm as per the Water Board specification.
REM TRITON devices hold captured trash and debris on a base plate mounted 10 to 20” below grade level or in a filter basin immediate beneath the grate allowing maintenance technicians easy access while avoiding entry into confined spaces. TRITON PERF-FTC filter cartridges cam-lock in place on the base plate or filter basin and are easily removed for inspection and maintenance.